Cultural Council of Birmingham-Bloomfield
The Cultural Council of Birmingham Bloomfield is a non-profit 501c-3 that promotes and supports the cultural life in our community, honors citizens and businesses that have had an impact on the arts, raises funds to support and insure the sculpture program “Birmingham Art in Public Spaces”, and works to illuminate the many cultural activities and resources available across the Birmingham Bloomfield area.
2024 Birmingham Bloomfield Cultural Arts Awards

Birmingham Public Art
Public art is a vital part of the City of Birmingham. Art creates a richly diverse and meaningful experience while enhancing the visual character of our community. We invite you to enjoy the art we have on display and engage a friend, neighbor, or stranger on which piece is their favorite.
Have You Seen this Around Town?
Pyramid Earth
Kegham Tazian
Bronze, 1994
Linden Park
Dedicated September 10, 2021, Pyramid Earth was installed in Linden Park as part of Birmingham’s Art in Public Spaces. Donated by the internationally known artist and local resident Kegham Tazian, its East-facing and West-facing hemispheres and height suggest upward mobility and strength.